
25 April 2016

Yasaka shrine, Maruyama Park, Kodaiji temple, Kyoto, Japan

This post is about Kyoto. Especially Yasaka shine and Maruyama Park near Kyoto station Hankyu line.
I booked hotel at Umeda, so I kept my luggage at hotel at first, ans I moved to Kyoto from Umeda station.
I bought Hankyu one day tourist pass by 700 yen. It is for foreigner, and I can bought Hankyu tourist information in Umeda station. They checked my passport to buy it. There are three or four staffs who can speak foreign language, so buying pass is easy.
If you have a plan to go to Kyoto from Okasa, Hankyu one day pass is good for you coz Umeda-Kyoto one way ticket is over just go to Kyoto and going back to Osaka at the same day, just buy Hankyu one day pass. My Japanese friend also wanted to buy Hankyu one day pass, but this one day pass for domestic is around 1200yen. So he just gave up.

This is a pass and noticed Hankyu line to use this pass.
I think foreigner just use this for Kobe, Kyoto, and Osaka.

It's a platform at Umeda station. Around 7lines at there there is so complex and crowded.

There is Hankyu line to Kyoto and it is located right first.

Inside Hankyu train with my Japanese friend Makoto.
I'm so pleased for him to guide me during two days in my trip.

It's a Kyoto station. I took around 45mins from Umeda station.

There is a smoking area near river. there looks so beautiful.

I forgot this river name. I heard there is so famous at spring season to play with Sakura. There is located between Kyoto station and Yasaka shrine.

There is traditional way inside this alley. I took this pic coz I was interested in traditional alley.
But...almost all alleys at Kyoto look like traditional alley...

This is entrance of Yasaka shrine. The way to reach here is easy. When I get off the Kyoto station, turn right and just went straight...
I said I'm so exciting to enjoy Kyoto coz it's my first time to visit here!......It was my fault...
My friend Makoto heard my saying, he made really hard schedule for me....I had to climb mountain twice...even I gave up some spots...

It looks like shrine..but somebody ready to do some performance at there.

It's a crane. It's my first time to see real crane.
There is on the way between Yasaka shrine and Maruyama park. It's almost at Maruyama park I guess.

So I took a picture with crane. :)

My older brother and Makoto. They totally look like tourists.

The statues of Sakamoto Ryoma and Nakaoka Shintaro at Maruyama park.
I heard they were like hero to civilize Japan.

Statue with my bro

Statue with me. I don't know why I posed like it. lol

After sightseeing Maruyama park, it's going to Kodaiji temple.
This way and houses look like traditional one. so nice for me.

Map for Kodaiji temple.
Actually, I just passed through this temple to go to Kiyomizudera temple. So I don't have any information about Kodaiji temple...sorry.

Japan is a bit strange for me just one thing. It's about smoking area.
Outside or on the street, there are some smoking spots or booths at there.
So I thought that for smoking is little bit strict. However, When I entered pubs or restauratns, I could smoke almost all restaurants, pubs, and cafes. This thing is only I felt strange at Japan.

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