
24 April 2016

Determinants of appeal, Psychology

I wanted to be attractive for girls because I'm a guy.
I'm a man who studied Psychology at university, I tried to approach psychological method.

Before begin, what is the appeal?
The appeal of something is a quality that it has which people find attractive or interesting.
It's a meaning of appeal.
So then, how to make people to be attractive?
I think there are lots of factors to determine appeal, I choose 4 determinants.

 First and foremost,  Proximity principle. Proximity is most important for appeal because it's easy to do by myself. The reason why proximity improves appeal is that people meet others easily and many time, it increases familiarity. Human have a tendency that if people receive strange stimulus repeatedly, they have a good feeling toward stimulus. It calls mere exposure effect.
Unfortunately, if first impression is negative, mere exposure effect is not appear.
Ex) We tend to have standoffish feeling with friends after take long time since graduate school.

 Second, Individual feature. Human like beautiful person regardless of age or sex.
Appearance has more power opposite sex than same sex, and the beginnig of relationship.
Why people like handsome guy? I think it's two reason are Halo effect and Divergent effect.
Halo effect is that people tend to think person who are handsome has positive feature like smart, and great personality. One feature influences other features to be positive. Divergent effect is not sure about name, but I just call it. It means that person who want to be with handsome guy make thier image to be better. And capability is also reasonable. I think individual's capability does not need to explain why people like this.

 Third, Similarity. People like others who have simailar attitude, personality, taste, value, and background with them. Professors and many books said relationship between similarity and appeal is stronger than other factors. People usually like handsome guy or capable person, ultimately, they attract people who have similarities with them. People commonly select others who have similarity like appearance or other features when they do date or marriage. It calls Matching phenomenon. People feel better when they know others have similar view with them, they think they can do cohabitation also they feels like that their view is corrected. However, people sometimes attract opposite kinds of person like the beauty and beast, it calls complementarity, and its probability is low.

 Last, Favor of opponent. people like people who like them. However, People have a tendancy that they like more others who didn't like them and getting better than always praise. Like this, People hate more others who didn't hate at first and suddenly change their mind to hate than always critisize. Like so, unpredicted praise or critisize of opponent is more influence, it calls Gain-loss effect. The reason why people like others who favor them is that people feel sense of duty to repay same emotion.

Other factors to feel attractive are SmileValidity and Surprise.

After I found these factors I realized that I can't handle almost all...Wtf...Just try to improve and make me better ability and larger field...

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